Combat Cravings and Emotional Eating with Weight Loss Hypnosis
It's true what they say, every weight loss journey is different. For many, their weight loss journey is accompanied by stress, insecurities, cravings, triggers, or unpleasant emotions. Hypnosis for weight loss can help you develop the skills you need to restart your weight loss journey and finally eliminate those habits keeping you from your ideal weight.
Hypnotherapy for weight loss allows us to access the subconscious mind in order to curb cravings and boost motivation, ensuring lasting change. Whether you choose to take a self-hypnosis class, or visit a hypnotist, you’ll find ways to set clear goals and develop a weight loss plan. You’ll also discover how to:
- Change unhealthy, negative self-perceptions
- Feel confident within your body
- Influence motivation
- Increase confidence
- Curb cravings
- End mindless or emotional eating habits
- Introduce healthy eating patterns
- Establish the right mindset to keep the weight off
Modern Day Hypnosis will help you to unlock the potential of your subconscious mind for a healthier, happier life!
Have You Tried It Yet? It Really Works!
What To Expect From Hypnosis For Weight Loss
When it comes to hypnosis for weight loss, one of the most common questions clients ask is “how many sessions will this take?” We want you to know that the mind can change instantly, and that every body responds positively to changes in better lifestyle, maintenance, and selfcare. A big factor that determines how well the hypnosis will work for you depends on your dedication to the process. Results for each person can be completely different. One important factor is that you apply the tools you have for self-hypnosis in your ongoing life while you achieve the physical changes and arrive at your goal.
The time it takes to see results after starting hypnosis will vary. Some clients report instantaneous change, while for others change might happen more gradually. Many clients complete their weight loss hypnosis in as little as three to five hypnotherapy sessions.
In the initial phases of your hypnosis treatment, you’ll be able to address the aspects of your life that are affecting your weight the most. From there, you might choose to practice deep relaxation or stress release during which hypnosis techniques such as auto-suggestions, emotional presencing, positive body-talk , and future pacing can be used. Weight loss hypnosis can be a more effective strategy to reduce weight than exercise and diet alone. It is best to use a combination of methods in order to achieve a balance in physiological, mental, and emotional health.
Here is how hypnosis works to help people achieve their weight loss goals:
Correct Thinking Errors and Detrimental Beliefs
Losing weight takes a lot of discipline and sacrifice. You’ll have to be willing to abandon the cravings and habits leading to weight gain. You’ll need the correct thinking and a positive attitude to control these behavioral patterns.
Hypnotherapy can help you address cultural misconceptions and faulty beliefs that limit people from losing weight, for example:
- Ultra-thin bodies are always healthier
- Overweight individuals have less value
- If you want to lose weight, you have to be on a strict diet
Hypnosis can help you confront these myths and change your idea of how a healthy human being's body should look. In that regard, it's important to remember that weight loss hypnosis is not just about treating the body, but also the mind. It’s best for the client to acknowledge and celebrate changes in not just their weight, but also in their perception.
Resolve Subconscious Emotional Conflicts
Hypnotherapy can help you resolve problematic emotional issues that prevent you from achieving your weight loss goals. Many people have all the information they need to lose weight but still eat for emotional satisfaction rather than hunger. It's critical to understand the underlying emotions that cause this behavior.
If you have experienced trauma, chaos, or abuse, your history may be responsible for your inability to achieve your weight goals. Hypnosis for weight loss can help you bring out the memories and trauma, leading to a successful weight loss journey.
Reduce Cravings
Desire and cravings for unhealthy foods prevent many people from reducing weight. Many unhealthy foods can be tempting and sweet to taste, thus, abandoning them totally can be difficult.
Hypnotherapy can help you reduce your cravings for unhealthy foods. For instance, in an eating well program, therapists utilize hypnosis and guided imagery that address dietary choices and thwart uncontrolled food cravings. Guided imagery is an effective strategy in hypnosis for weight loss. Over hundreds of case studies, hypnosis has proven to cut down problematic cravings for unhealthy foods.
General Benefits of Hypnosis for Losing Weight
Dedicating time to seek professional help for unhealthy eating behaviors is the beginning of a life-changing journey in losing weight. Initial wins —however small they seem— will boost your ability for self-control, improving confidence and motivation to focus on your goals.
When used appropriately and with the proper guidance, hypnosis for weight loss will help you feel better in all areas of life. In most cases, when people have low self-esteem or feel bad about themselves, they eat uncontrollably to cope with their feelings. Hypnotherapy allows the user to address these challenges in a holistic manner, so that there is a noticeable change in all areas of life. For example, many clients report lowered blood pressure and stress and higher self-awareness and confidence after partaking in hypnosis for weight loss.
Self-Applied Hypnosis Techniques for Weight Loss
Hypnosis can be administered by an experienced hypnotist, or by yourself using self-hypnosis. That’s right - you can get the results from hypnotherapy all on your own using Self-Applied Hypnosis Techniques. In Self-Applied Hypnosis Techniques, you’ll get all of the information you need to make changes for any goals that you have. We’ve also created an option for the lessons, which cover the entirety of hypnosis philosophy, history, and technique, to be taken in while you rest. Relaxing audios in a Trance-Talk tone cover all of the understandings you’ll need giving you the benefits in live-time. Plus, there are additional audios, hypnosis scripts, quizzes, demonstrations, a detailed coursebook and more waiting for you with 24/7 access for life! - These are all reasons why Self-Applied Hypnosis Techniques is better than working with a hypnotist! .
By using Self-Applied Hypnosis Techniques, you’ll discover the power of exploring your own mind to create massive life changes. You’ll take the reins to your own mental, physiological, and emotional health. Self-hypnosis, after all, is all about empowering the user to tap into their full potential in order to live life to the fullest!
Empower Yourself to Create Change with Hypnosis
The journey to a healthier, more physically fit life can certainly be difficult. Consider hypnosis as a natural, effective tool to help ease your transition into a healthier lifestyle. If you are ready to take on your weight loss goals, explore Self-Applied Hypnosis Techniques or book an appointment with us today!
Sometimes clients will notice a quick improvement, while others report a more gradual transition. Keep in mind that every session will make an effect and it’s important to keep your goals SMART. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.
With that being said, hypnosis is not a long-term therapy. You may only decide to use 2-4 sessions to propel this change or you could find that a longer timeline is appropriate as may be some sequencing for check-ins or reinforcements.
Yes! The goal of the practitioner is for the client to feel safe and secure throughout the session. At no point in your session will you ‘lose control’ of your mind - despite what you might’ve heard in popular culture. In fact, hypnotism is entirely a self-controlled experience and cannot harm you. In over 200 years there has not been a single case of a person being harmed by hypnosis.
Absolutely! Technically speaking, all hypnosis is self-guided since any change that happens in the brain, body or mind is allowed through the client’s participation. Self-Applied hypnosis helps to change not only eating habits, but your overall sense of self i.e. self care and self confidence. If you are interested in learning more about Self-Applied hypnosis techniques, check out the training (insert link) and take control of your own mind!
Absolutely, hypnosis can be applied in combination with other weight loss methods such as eating a balanced diet, staying active, etc.
Make sure you are 100% committed and ready to make a change and be willing to do exercise outside of the office. If food consumption is used for stress and boredom, work with your hypnotist to find new ways for your brain to cope with stress or boredom.
There is no need to prepare for the session. Your presence and willingness to participate and follow instructions is enough! The idea here is to allow the practitioner to gently guide you through the session, in other words, there is no additional work needed on your end until after your session, when you might be given optional exercises to complete on your own.
For the best results, you might choose to define measurable goals, avoiding the use of terms like ‘good’ or ‘better’. For example, ‘I want to enjoy feeling fit enough to play with my children every day for 2 hours. ’.
Yes, hypnotherapy for weight loss can be performed over the phone or on a video call. It’s just as effective virtually as it is in person. Plus, you get to dial in from anywhere and enjoy the comfort of your own space!
There are no side effects from hypnotherapy. Directly after your session you might feel tingles throughout the body and perhaps some light-headedness that usually goes away after a few minutes. On the contrary, most people report feeling lighter and more serene for the first couple of days after their session.
Anyone who is willing can participate in hypnosis. There is no such thing as a person who cannot be hypnotized. Hypnosis is an ancient technique that transcends the clients level of intelligence, financial standing, lifestyle, etc. If a person can understand language, they can be hypnotized…we’re all already hypnotizing ourselves.
No, you do not have to be in any certain state in your session. Your practitioner will determine which styles of hypnotism to apply. These may be conversational, waking states or deep states of relaxation. There are no rules for your state of mind during hypnosis.
Yes you can drive directly after your session. You may feel more relaxed afterwards but you might also feel more energized and focused.
It is best to have a sense of privacy, even from family members. But if you feel absolutely dependent and can only be comfortable with an additional guest, this may be allowed by your hypnotist.