Lauren Hall with colorful background


Hi, I’m Lauren Hall!

I help people achieve their goals quickly and easily with lasting results through the power of hypnosis, using visual imagery and mental dialect.   I started Modern Day Hypnosis in 2013 to help a wide spectrum of people.  Anyone capable of understanding the English language and willing to participate in following instructions can be hypnotized.  During any session, the hypnotist is simply facilitating the experience and offering guided imagery, you remain in control the entire time.  There are no fears of mind control or needing to be susceptible to hypnosis, everyone can intentionally enter this natural mind state we call ‘hypnosis’.   These techniques are very helpful for people wanting to change habits or improve performance.



I work and live in downtown Greensboro and love helping people through my business and pursuing several passions, hobbies, and continual education and growth.  I am trained in NLP, HypnoBirthing, Meditation, Reiki and Bilateral Hemispheric Stimulation.  Since 2013 I have been a member in good standing with The National Guild of Hypnotists and The American Alliance of Hypnotists.  In my spare time, I like to make crafts or enjoy the great outdoors.  I am zealous about helping people and the amount of success I get to experience through my clients’ success is amazing.  I started out and was formerly known by the name Lauren Hall Hypnosis and was originally located in Lexington, North Carolina.


I want to help people design and achieve great dreams.   I know life can be challenging but when you have the right perspective you can navigate your way to the top of any mountain.

Hypnosis is one of the most effective tools for mental training that’s every been discovered.  Try it for yourself and experience the joy, health, and inner peace that’s available to you.


Hypnosis allows you to train and strengthen your mind.  Like any muscle, we must hone and cultivate our mental communication skills, learning how to input the proper imagery and live life to the happiest!  The greatest athletes use coaches to help achieve success – Let Me Be Your MENTAL COACH – come in for a consultation if your interested or at the very least try a guided imagery video on YouTube.

Lauren C. Hall Signature


I work and live in downtown Greensboro and love helping people through my business and pursuing several passions, hobbies, and continual education and growth.  I am trained in NLP, HypnoBirthing, Meditation, Reiki and Bilateral Hemispheric Stimulation.  Since 2013 I have been a member in good standing with The National Guild of Hypnotists and The American Alliance of Hypnotists.  In my spare time, I like to make crafts or enjoy the great outdoors.  I am zealous about helping people and the amount of success I get to experience through my clients’ success is amazing.  I started out and was formerly known by the name Lauren Hall Hypnosis and was originally located in Lexington, North Carolina.


I want to help people design and achieve great dreams.   I know life can be challenging but when you have the right perspective you can navigate your way to the top of any mountain.

Hypnosis is one of the most effective tools for mental training that’s every been discovered.  Try it for yourself and experience the joy, health, and inner peace that’s available to you.


Hypnosis allows you to train and strengthen your mind.  Like any muscle, we must hone and cultivate our mental communication skills, learning how to input the proper imagery and live life to the happiest!  The greatest athletes use coaches to help achieve success – Let Me Be Your MENTAL COACH – come in for a consultation if you are interested or at the very least try a guided imagery video on YouTube.

Lauren C. Hall Signature

My Simple 3 Step Process

Chat with Lauren

Have questions about hypnosis?  Book a short chat to find out more.  Already decided you want to work with me?  Skip this step and go right over to #2

Initial Strategy Session

This is where we can decide which of the therapy models or coaching models are best for you.  Each session customized to specific client needs.  

Get Real & Lasting Results

Hypnotherapy works to re-wire the behavioral patterns of your subconscious.  This means you’ll get permanent lasting results for those everyday issues in life.  


"I have been feeling so amazing since seeing Lauren. She's so great at what she does. I would highly recommend her to anyone who needs any assistance in this department. I look forward to seeing her again. Thank you for helping me and in advance also as we continue our journey of feeling so much better."

Joycelyn Hendricks

"Working with Lauren has been an amazing experience. Since this was my first experience with hypnosis, I wasn't sure what to expect. At the first session, I immediately felt comfortable with her. She listened with great care and made sure that she understood what I was hoping to achieve. Lauren also draws on a wealth of knowledge that she generously shares. Her approach is positive, wholehearted, intuitive, and integrative. I definitely want to continue working with her and highly recommend her!"

Kathy K

"Lauren is awesome. I noticed huge improvements in daily bad habits that I've been trying to break for a while. I've never had really bad anxiety or anything, but I noticed after a couple sessions, going through the day just felt easier. Like I was a bit floaty. Less anxiety I didn't know that I was experiencing, if that makes sense. Just seems like my outlook as a whole has shifted in a more positive direction. Definitely recommend!"

Brian Siedenburg

"Lauren is helping me so much. Her deeply supportive and calming presence is both grounding and energizing. I feel subtle shifts inside myself that manifest tangible changes outside."

Bobbie Tornblom

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